Clubs & Organisations
What is the one thing most clubs don't have? A plan.
CLUBMAP combines top-tier expertise and innovation with a grassroots approach. We teach clubs and volunteers HOW.
Effective committee structure
More volunteers to help
New-age repeatable revenue
Planning for the future
Trusted by over 5000 sporting organisations around Australia
we show you how
Creating healthy clubs for connected communities. We're here to help your club not just survive, but thrive.
We work directly with clubs, their volunteers and stakeholders to help ensure they get their off-field game on track, for now and the future. We don't just walk in and walk out. We're about support, education, building relationships for the long term.
Keep scrolling for a selection of the key areas we focus on, and feel free to book in a chat to discuss your club with us.
Sports represented at webinars
Different clubs & organisations
Webinar attendees
Thriving Volunteer Program
CLUBMAP supporting volunteers
Volunteers are a community organisation's greatest asset, but aren't treated that way. Juggling family, work, and club life is hard, particularly when the vast majority of volunteers are bringing life skills to the table just trying to help out. We'll show you a better way. Our proven 4-step process to a thriving volunteer program will help any club.
- 94% of volunteers - no specific sports admin education
- 88% of volunteers - no formal training when taking on a role
A Structure & Volunteers Workshop from CLUBMAP can guide your club to a new model that helps spread the load and encourage more volunteers to get involved.
Effective committee structure
CLUBMAP helping share the load
Community clubs don't spend the time to get the right structure in place, and lose good quality people to burnout. Most clubs have 3-4 people doing majority of the work, most clubs don't have any handover or succession in place, and most volunteers aren't educated on how to run a sporting club.
- 84% of clubs - identify 3-4 people do most of the work
- 79% of clubs - no formal succession plan
A Structure & Volunteers Workshop from CLUBMAP can guide your club to a new model that helps spread the load and encourage more volunteers to get involved.
New-Age Revenue Model
CLUBMAP working smarter, not harder
The way community sporting clubs fundraise or generate revenue hasn't changed in 50 years. If you've attended one of our webinars on any of the revenue topics you would have seen our 'old revenue model' slide that covers the vast majority of clubs. No one is showing clubs any different. We've brought a professional sporting club revenue model, and simplified it for community. And any club can adopt it, whether you're turning over $20k or $400k a year.
- 92% of clubs - using an out-of-date revenue model
- 60% of clubs - still using paper membership or registration forms
A Revenue Workshop from CLUBMAP can guide your club to a new model that helps you work smarter, not harder. Generating money online and 12 months of the year at community sport should be the norm.
Planning for the future
CLUBMAP gives you a plan
If you don't plan for it, it won't happen. Simple as that. We often get asked - 'what is the one thing that is holding most clubs back?' - They don't have a plan. A roadmap for the future. There are three vital plans, amongst many, that all community sporting organisations should have. A strategic plan, with a 5 year future focus, an operational plan with a 12 month focus, and a revenue plan. Planning is at the core of what we do, and we'd love to help your club or organisation.
- 65% of clubs - no strategic plan, or have one that's out-of-date
- 79% of clubs - no formal succession plan
A Premium Club Planning Workshop from CLUBMAP will guide you through planning in all the key areas of your club’s administration, generating roadmaps for revenue, operations and strategy. And we show you how to put them into action.

Our free, interactive educational webinars are a great place to start. Get some great tips on a range of topics, there is one most weeks of the year.