Some fantastic free content from the CLUBMAP team to help your organisation.
Top Five Tips to help your club get ‘Grant Ready’
CLUBMAPTuesday October 29th, 2024
Through our work with community clubs over the years, it’s clear that applying for and being successful with grants often ends up in the too-hard basket. That’s because most clubs are not set up grants success. To help, we're sharing our top five tips to get your club ready to apply for grants.
Something For Everyone: National Volunteer Week
CLUBMAPMonday May 20th, 2024
National Volunteer Week 2024 invites all to discover the power of volunteering with the theme ‘Something for Everyone’. We know that in community organisations and grassroots sporting clubs, there truly is something for everyone. You don't need to take on an official role to get involved, and there are many benefits to volunteering that you might not know about.
The Upside-Down Dilemma: Participation vs. Club Development
CLUBMAPMonday November 20th, 2023
The question that has bubbled to the surface in recent months is whether sport's governing bodies have their priorities upside down, when it comes to participation growth versus sustainable grassroots club development.
The first step towards sharing the workload
CLUBMAPFriday June 30th, 2023
At grassroots sporting organisations, too much work is left to too few. This needs to change. Added requirements for compliance, policies and administration is only compounding the issue. Start sharing the work load by taking the first big step.
The Importance of Strategic Planning in Community Sport
CLUBMAPWednesday June 14th, 2023
In the current climate it’s more important than ever for community clubs to have an eye to the future, to be adaptable and to take steps towards guaranteeing their future viability.
Unsung Heroes: Celebrating National Volunteer Week
CLUBMAPThursday May 18th, 2023
Volunteers are the lifeblood of community sport. They tirelessly dedicate their time, energy, and expertise to help ensure the survival of grassroots sport. It's National Volunteer Week and it's time to recognise the great people at your organisation.
Move your grassroots sporting club fundraising online
CLUBMAPMonday May 8th, 2023
The majority of community clubs are stuck raising funds the same way they did in the 90s, and sometimes earlier. Traditional fundraisers just don't cut it when you need to maintain facilities, pitches, courts or simply covering operational costs.
Is your community sporting club resistant to change?
CLUBMAPFriday May 5th, 2023
Community sport, like society, has changed a lot in the last 20 years. There is new ways to raise money, recruit volunteers and operate more effectively. However, community clubs can be resistant to change, making it difficult for them to thrive.
5 Ways To Instantly Improve Your Community Sports Club
CLUBMAPMonday May 1st, 2023
Community sports clubs around Australia are struggling. A lack of volunteers is the number one issue facing grassroots sport across the country. However, this often stems from a range of other compounding pressures.
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