Sports & Councils
Take your league, sport or council to the next level
CLUBMAP offers tailored solutions so you can support and educate community administrators on mass. We also offer a range of consulting services to review and grow your organisation. Scroll down for more info.
For leagues, associations, SSOs or NSOs
Independent reviews
Organisational strategic or business planning
Education & support on mass
Tailored webinars sports or councils
Health checks and reporting on all clubs
Other general consulting
Keynote speaking on community sport
Tailored support for leagues, associations, NSO, SSO & councils
Reviews, planning & support
CLUBMAP's range of services for sporting bodies, councils, leagues and associations can take your organisation and its clubs to the next level.
We can facilitate independent reviews, strategic or business planning to strenthen your organisation. In addition offering support for clubs with a combination of a tailored mini-webinar series, club health checks and individual workshops.
We offer new-age thinking towards community sporting administration and operations. We've taken combined decades of professional sport experience and simplified it for community. We focus on HOW.
Book in a chat at a time that suits to discuss the options with our team.
Choose from the following
Councils, Sports, Leagues & Associations
Independent Reviews
Combine online survey data with key stakeholder interviews to produce an in-depth review of the current operations, competition, finances, revenue streams, planning, engagement, brand and much more. The report provides valuable insight and recommendations to take your organisation to the next level.
Strategic Planning
Facilitated planning sessions to produce a strategic or business plan for leagues, associations, SSOs & NSOs. Includes planning and implementation of organisation structure, detailed planning and setting targets to achieve long-term goals and support to produce mission, vision statements and organisational values.
Tailored Webinars
Create your own mini webinar series just for your clubs, tailored for your sport and its unique circumstances. Choose from 15 topics and reach all club administrators at once. The webinars are engaging, informative and we always allow for question time at the end.
Club Health Checks
How are your clubs really going? Often clubs can be reluctant to share the true situation. Our in-depth survey and resulting report gives clubs a great understanding of where they're at across 11 key admin areas. A perfect starting point. We can collate data and develop reports with findings to give you all the information you need.
Workshops for clubs
Many councils and sports go further for select clubs and either subsidise or fully fund our one-on-one workshops. Helping clubs plan for the future, raise new revenue, structure to succeed and recruit new volunteers is vital in club sustainability.
Customised education & support for clubs
Popular options used by councils and sports.
People webinars
A 3-part mini series to get the right structure in place, discover new ways to recruit volunteers, and create great club culture.
Admin webinars
A 3-part mini series to bring your club's operations and administration into 2022. We cover technology, finances and planning.
Revenue Webinars
Shift to a new-age revenue model with a 4-part series covering membership, sponsorship, grants and online fundraising.
Club Health Checks
Our in-depth survey and resulting report gives clubs a great understanding of where they're at across 11 key admin areas. A perfect starting point.
Key topics where clubs need help
These and many more, we can help you help them.