The CLUBMAP Investment
Investing in CLUBMAP is investing in your club's future success.
Online Health Check
$49/+ GST
An audit of your club’s health and an action plan for improvement.
Resources Hub
$399/+ GST
The most comprehensive online learning platform available to community organisations.
Topic Specific Workshops
$1,999/+ GST
Entry level workshops on specific areas, tailored to your needs.
CLUBMAP Planning Workshop
$2,999/+ GST
The original workshop. Covers all aspects of admin and planning
Premium Planning PackageMost Popular
$4,998/+ GST
The 'gold standard' in planning, operations and support
Tailored Webinar Series
$1,499/+ GST each
A series of webinars, tailored to the needs of your sport or council.
Implementation Workshop
$1,999/+ GST
Got your plans? We can facilitate your club's planning day.
General Consulting
A range of consulting and speaking services available for organisations of any size.
Frequently asked questions
What is a CLUBMAP Strategic Plan?
A Strategic Plan is a 3-5 year plan that gives a club direction, assists decision making and motivates Committee Members, Volunteers, Coaches and Players. The Strategic plan defines a club's vision, mission and values. It includes a focus on Committee succession planning, Facilities and Capital Works projects, Business sustainability, Community engagement and the club’s sports program.
What is a CLUBMAP Operations Plan?
The Operation plan prioritises the focus areas for the next 12 months. The plan may include committee structure and skills, volunteer program, financial planning and reporting, database development, new revenue generation, sponsorship and membership program.
What is a CLUBMAP Revenue Plan?
The CLUBMAP Revenue Plan is a 12 month plan to generate new repeatable annual revenue. $30-100k in new revenue depending on the size and strength of the club. The revenue plan will include revenue planning and reporting, fund saving strategies, building club traditional revenue methods and introducing new age fundraising techniques.
What is a CLUBMAP Health Check?
Committee members answer questions in each of the 11 key club areas of Committee, Digital Communication, Finance, Fund Raising, Fund Saving, Governance, Grants, Membership, Planning, Sponsorship, Sports Operations and Volunteers. This shows an overall health of the club and sets a reference point for future improvement.
What happens at a CLUBMAP workshop?
The workshop engages Committee members and key stakeholders in an interactive two hour presentation. The workshop reviews club challenges and opportunities revealed in the club audit. The importance of Club planning and a basic club formula for success is explained. Club information is gathered to help customise the Club Strategic, Operation and Revenue plans.
What are some of the Webinar topics?
Topics cover the key operational areas to running a successful and sustainable community club e.g. Finances, Fundraising, Fund Saving, Governance, Grants, Membership, Planning, Sponsorship, Succession Planning, Committee Structure, Technology and Volunteers.
Can Webinars be customised?
Yes, our webinars series can be customized for Councils, Shires, National, State and Local Sporting bodies to suit their needs.
Clubs helped
Volunteers engaged
Success doesn't just happen
If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Get the guidance you need on the journey to a healthier, more-connected club.