Through our work with community clubs over the years, it’s clear that applying for and being successful with grants often ends up in the too-hard basket. That’s because most clubs are not set up grants success. To help, we're sharing our top five tips to get your club ready to apply for grants.
1. Appoint a Dedicated Grants Coordinator
Find someone who can commit to the Grants Coordinator role, ideally not someone already overloaded with work, like the President or Secretary. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a committee member; it could be a parent, a past member, or anyone who can dedicate an hour or two per week. It is a great entry-level volunteering role that can be done remotely. Larger clubs could even try to form a small team to share the workload and help with collating information.
2. Add Grants to the Agenda for your committee meetings
At your next meeting, discuss and develop your club’s grants wish list. As a committee, identify the top five funding priorities, projects, or programs for the year. Assign your Grants Coordinator to monitor grant opportunities that align with your wish list. If any of your projects could benefit another club or community group along with yours, start building relationships and discussing partnerships. Funding bodies are supportive of collaborative projects with broad community benefits.