Success stories
Monbulk Cricket Club
The Monbulk Hawks are a successful club who compete in the Ferntree Gully & District Cricket Association. They field five senior teams and seven junior teams.
How we helped
Along with brand new facilities, the cricket club has also:
Overhauled their committee structure using the three-tiered approach, creating position descriptions that will guide the current and future committee.
Moved their accounting almost completely online through the use of Square.
Recruited a dedicated sponsorship manager & dedicated grants manager, who have no other roles within the committee and can focus on raising revenue.
How we helped
Employed a very experienced coach, which has resulted in five senior teams playing finals this year - for the first time in their 125-year history - without training nets.
The new coach was able to galvanise the group with the support of a strong and united committee.
Where they are now
In just 18 months of applying the lessons learned in their CLUBMAP planning workshop, Monbulk Cricket Club has learned how to share the load and plan for success. Check here to see if a CLUBMAP workshop could work for your club.